Pixie Light Photography was technically founded in January of 2015. But before there was a Pixie Light Photography, Laura and I both had our own separate photography companies geared towards cosplay and conventions. And that was fine and dandy, except that we mostly just photographed events and cosplay together. So in the Fall of 2014, Laura and I started talking about our future goals for our companies.
We both came to the conclusion that we should just combine companies. There was much back and forth about possible names for our new company...A lot of which was funny and made us laugh, but didn't seem to convey our goals at the time.
In fact, our original mission statement was as follows:
"Pixie Light Photography is a cosplay and event photography company, with the goal of providing professional, customer-service driven photographic services with a focus on non-interference. As female photographers, we are dismayed by the low representation of women photographers in the convention/cosplay photography field. Our goal is to offer photographic services with a feminine touch in an effort to make attendees and cosplayers as comfortable as possible."
Basically, we wanted to make photographic sessions comfortable, be professional, and represent the women photographers!
So, on December 4, 2014, we both made announcements on our old business pages!
There you have it. It wasn't a clashing of the planets or anything super cosmic. It was logical. And even though our original goal was to only do convention and cosplay photography, we think that our journey and what we have done has been even better and more special than what we had originally wanted. During the past 4 years and into our 5th, we have met so many people through the Michigan Zombie community, participated in multiple charity events, met many people through the convention and cosplay scene, photographed and cheered on Flint City Derby Girls, hung out with musicians and photographed their shows, met Thai Buddhist monks and immersed in their religion and culture, stayed by the ropes during Michigan Wrestling Organization's shows, photographed weddings, met tons of photographers, maternity sessions, senior portraits, and have participated in so many other unique events that they're all hard to remember!
Really, our journey has been super cool! We're both really looking forward to seeing what the future continues to bring for Pixie Light Photography and us!
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey so far <3
-Charna and Laura
PS - Those names that people came up with as possible names for Pixie Light Photography? Here are a few: Fox Tail Photos, Wild Cat, Pixie Wings, PengLens Studio, Photo Giraffey, Pixiecoat Photos, and Moon Fairy Photo. We like Pixie Light Photography better :)
PPS - I feel bad for Laura. She's stuck with me forever and ever and ever!!!! -Charna
How right she is.
For those lucky somebodies, hopefully it's your best friend that you share much with, laugh with, and enjoy life with. That love just sneaks up on you when you aren't looking or paying attention. You start noticing when you look at them...the glint in their eye, the smile on their lips, and how good they make you feel when you think of them.
The wedding I was able to participate in and photograph yesterday is that kind of love. It snuck up on them when they weren't looking and you can see it in the photos...the look of love in Todd's eyes for Anne and her smile just for him.
That's the lucky love.
So, we don't just photograph events and do photo booths. We also take photos of life events. And one of the most special life events? Having a child!
My friend, Amy (who along with Laura was also in my wedding), told me over a month ago that she and her husband, Rob, were having a baby! I was so excited!!! How do you NOT be excited for your friends? Finding out before everyone else was like being in a Super Secret.
I really had fun with their photo session. We went to For-Mar Nature Preserve & Arboretum in Burton, MI for their photos. Amy and Rob also brought their friend's daughter, Grace, to help with their big announcement. Below are a few of the photos from their session :-D
I was really honored to be asked to take their photos for announcing their child. Since becoming friends with Amy, she has always wanted a child. Being a part of such a special time for her is amazing! I really cannot wait to meet Amy and Rob's Baby Girl :)
BONUS PHOTO: This one is titled, "When Rob Thinks He's Funny". Enjoy!
You see...for people who don't know Nick Cotton, you'd find his antics highly amusing during derby games: jumping, shouting, clapping, fist pumping, flailing his arms in the air like he just don't care...and the faces he makes. They are amazing. But what really drives Nick with Flint Derby is his passion for the sport and his love for his team. He pushes each and every person to be the best that they can be and to succeed both individually and together.
The point is: Coach Cotton is awesome.
But let's go back to the faces...
Oh man, the faces. The range of emotions that goes through Coach during games is awesome. And we like to sit and watch him for the opportunities to catch those emotions. So, here is our Coach Cotton Photo Montage:
That last one is probably my new favorite (from Saturday June 24, 2017). When I reviewed my photos, I burst out laughing! Nick was super wound tight that game. And at the end we found out why: he was planning on proposing to his girlfriend, SlapHer Sally (aka Katie), after the game.
She of course said "Yes". And seemed in shock for the rest of the time we were there. But, how awesome and amazing!
A Hearty Congratulations to the Newly Engaged Couple: Nick and Katie! We're so excited for you both!
-Charna F.
It was my first time at the event and it was awesome! The whole event was well put together with amazing food and entertainment. It was also great to see so many familiar faces and people I know from growing up in the area or from meeting around the community as an adult.
Below are some of the photos from the event:
Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Next event we'll be at is the Flint City Derby Girls Home Game on June 24, 2017.
-Charna F.
]]>That being said, we've had a busy past few months with our photo booth at various events (Camp Bow Wow - Ann Arbor, Gamer's Sanctuary's 10 Year Anniversary, Shumatsucon, Adrian Comic Con hosted by yourcomiccon.com, and Burton Zombie Shamble), photographing Flint City Derby Girls (our 3rd year and their #decadeofderby), and having life be busy. I feel like I'm probably forgetting a few events.
In between photographing all of that stuff, Laura and I have had time to hang out with friends and play lots of Pokemon Go. Here are some photos of us goofing off, having fun, and hanging out with each other and friends:
To keep up with us, please like our Facebook page: PIXIE LIGHT PHOTO WITH THE FACEBOOK UPDATES. Also, like us on Instagram @pixielightphoto :)
]]>As you see, the blog is back up! When we updated our website and moved things around the blog went the way of the poor DoDo Bird.
Now that it's 2017, though, I'll be posting again! Hooray for you all getting to read my updates and gibberish!
For 2017, Laura and I have a lot of new exciting things that we've been planning and events we've been lining up. Our first announcement deals with the photo below:
We are BACK to offering engagement and wedding sessions! This is exciting for us! We love weddings due to us being such huge saps. We are already looking forward to this wedding season! Please pass along our information to anyone you know who may be getting married, are engaged, or thinking of getting married! We love weddings <3
Website: CLICK ME!
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: OR CLICK HERE :)
Upcoming Events for the Spring as of today:
April 8, 2017 - Adrian Comic Con at Siena Heights University. Our photo booth will be set up! For more information GO HERE.
April 14-16, 2017 - SHUMATSUCON - Their and our 3rd year! We'll have our photo booth set up! The Event :)
May 13, 2017 - Burton Zombie Shamble with Brooke's Masquerade! The Masquerade is an after shamble dance for Brooke. We will be shambling along with the zombies and also setting up our photo booth with a Super Secret Back Drop. Keep checking back for more details or on the Burton Zombie Shamble Facebook!
Keep stopping by for more news, updates, and events we'll be at! We're looking forward to 2017!
]]>Bliss passed away in late October 2016. She was a phenomenal kitty and companion to both Laura and her husband, Jeff. A very friendly creature who always greeted me when I came to visit. She enjoyed pets, cuddles, love, and attention. She is super missed. Love to the Bliss Kitty <3
I’ve had Bliss for about 9 years, and yet I did not have very many photos of her. Erin and I have been looking for people with pets to photograph, so I figured, why not my own? I packed up Bliss and took her over to Erin’s studio. Unfortunately, Bliss would not make a good cat food model. She gets a little stressed out when we go places and this was no exception. I followed her around the room, though and got some really cute photos of my girl.
We have an old player piano in the studio, and Bliss really liked sitting on the piano bench. I rather liked this shot with the keys in the background
~ Laura